One of our biggest objectives here is to connect you with queer-owned and queer-friendly businesses, and keeping you safe.
When you see this seal in a business’s location, on their website, or in their marketing, rest assured that this badge isn’t just decorative. It is a seal of approval from The Pink Pages Directory’s team. It’s important to know that businesses can not just buy this badge – it’s earned through genuine allyship and commitment to our community’s values.
Throughout the course of working with a business, our team is constantly consulting with them on being queer-friendly and affirming, understanding our community, using the correct language, and more.
We trust the businesses we work with, and we assure you that you can too.
We are here to help you connect with our community authentically. We will work with you on the steps to advertise and set up your business to proudly declare that you are LGBTQ+ friendly and welcoming. In that process we will get to know you, know more about your business, and help you better understand our community and our community’s needs.
Unlike many organization we do not charge you to be certified queer-friendly. So when we certify you, it truly means that we vouch for you and trust that you are a wonderful LGBTQ+ welcoming business.
Welcome to The Pink Pages Directory, one of the most trusted resources for connecting our community with the brands, businesses, and services we need since 1989.